Monday, May 31, 2010


I can see god in the only bright radiation that touches the earth everyday without which the world would die in darkness like the impure minds of bad men.

I can see god in those tiny droplets coming from the sky hitting u with a great velocity and spreading joy across the world except for the ones who drive while they come.

I can see god in the nature which is the collection of the most beautiful things in the world and which is most uncertain, yet teaches me that all days are not the same and the dog's day is yet to come.

I can see god in a farmer who gives me the healthiest and the most nutritious food irrespective of whether he eats it or not.

I can see god in all the machines around me which constantly keep trying to make me more lazy and less tiring.

I can see god in the labor because we are the ones who add the physical dimension to the wonderful innovative thoughts that arise in an intellectual's mind.

I can see god in all the bad things that I do as they constantly remind me that learning from them and getting better is the only option left.

I can see god in my all my friends who are the best creatures in this world and would be the first to help me out when my going gets tough.

I can see god in ROGER for the man he is and also the fact he proves constantly " NOBODY DISLIKES PERFECTION"

I can see god in my grandmother who is an abode of hard work and patience.

and finally

I can see god in the man who has taught me how to live by example from the day i was born and also who makes a difference in whatever he does and that lady who still wakes up and starts her work at 5 in the morning each and everyday just to make sure that her kids and family remain comfortable and happy for the next eighteen hours to come.

These are just to mention a few but the fact is that GOD is everywhere around you.

Watch out with BIG eyes.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

fish market

i heard this analogy used in schools especially when children scream a lot,make a lot of noise, make the class untidy , fight with each other and all.. once when the teacher enters the class and looks at the rubbish around she would shout at the top of her voice and say " stop talking!!! is this a class or a FISH MARKET?" i know this because i have heard this a lot of times from my teachers but was always wondering how a fish market would be( i am a veggie).. but i have come across something that would or that can easily replace the so called fish market analogy.. it would be better off comparing such untidy ,unorganized,greedy,noisy or a selfish bunch to the MEDIA rather than a fish market...

its very important for a person to know whats happening around him, (let it be about the country,city ,trade ,movies, sports, entertainment, health, classifieds, advertisements etc )based on these things that person analyses many thing and plans accordingly his future , his priorities etc.. for example if the weather forecast for the day says that it is going to rain he would be well prepared for that.. if one would say that the stocks are going up he would try and buy a few . if there is a bandh or something then he would skip work and all.. ........ so it is very important that one comes to know all these things ACCURATELY .. so the only medium of communication available for getting this stuff is a medium called MEDIA or say the news channels and the newspapers... am sure no one can make a move on any particular issue without relying on this medium of communication... this medium of giving access to information to the general pubic is very very important ... it goes hand in hand with our lives.. anything wrong with this can change the dimensions of our lives both horizontally and vertically..

but we have reached a point where dimensions don't matter anymore just like the information... from the days of highest standards it has crumbled to a new low level of selling news just like fish... from the stage of great ethics to a stage where blackmailing and bartering news has become the prime mover... from the hands of freedom fighters and great leaders into the hands of factionists and liquor contractors... once a strength to the public has become a puppet in the hands of power mongers.. once the most consistent weapon has become more inconsistent than the Indian batting order ... once the voice of the nation has turned into the voice of the ones who turn tables for their selfish interests... can we still call it the fourth estate or is it gifting estates as a return for manipulation ?? can we still get accurate and reliable news from all the media houses?? can we get impartial news anymore??


POWER... this is the disease that has affected the media and the above mentioned are the symptoms and causes... there is no cure for this disease and its spreading very fast and corrupting everything around... the media is one of the victims but its hitting everything badly leading us into the world of uncertainty... POWER is like a trap, in the beginning you seem to be under control but once you're totally into it you dont even know whether you are trapped or you have trapped.... and the media as mentioned , has become a fish market where every seafood(news) has its own price and season , once the right price comes and the time is ripe then innocent fishes( innocent victims) become the prey....

recent lalit modi stuff,sania mirza episode,analysis on different things, the way the media behaved during 26/11, the way they started publishing redundant news and how this entire thing is blown out of proportion for viewer ship adds more fuel to the existing fire which is taking thid disease to an advanced level... PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE but news cannot be prevented and its better off finding the cure for this...

PEN IS MIGHTIER THAN A SWORD.... its important we start training our young pens from the basics .. make these pens tough at the learning stage itself by training them vigorously with swords called truth and protecting them with armors called sincerity.... these pens should work with team mates like credibility and destroy opponents like greediness... work on plain white sheets which symbolize purity than the colored disguised filth that can never become fair... its only with such pens that great battles have been won without spilling a drop of blood and we need such pens again today to fight an even bigger opponent and crush it before it can crush us into deeper shit.. so the future of the fish market analogy, whether it stays or is replaced, is in the hands of a PEN and how its works from now on...

Friday, May 21, 2010

someone like roger for me

blue half sleeve shirt with a navy blue tie.. some extra weight than others around .. in the assembly with all smiles even though a bit nervous.. we all were very much anxious about our new teacher more specifically our new quizzing teacher... my first impression was not such a great one... was in fact not happy with the change... but one thing about him was that he was very different and charming than all the others who shared space with him that day at the assembly... based on my first impression i never thought that having acquaintance with him would have such a profound impact on me... but it happened...

he introduced himself as ANIRBAN SEN( pronounced it as ONIRBAN in bengali accent) and we headed straight to work that day at the library.. i remember the very first thing he told me... it was about how the garment bikini was named... and the second thing he shared was about the port mombassa... i mean we were really shocked at his knowledge on varied subjects... he took us by surprise by answering each and every question we shot at him... and it started at that moment that day... i have finally met somebody who was full of surprises ....

raja and i were selected for bharat ke aat a quiz show and we were trained under sir... we had some really great times together... i still remember those days when we ate just outside the school in a small hut.. the days when we had work till 8 in the nite... the things that sir told me wen we were riding on his splendour.. things that happened during our sports day and especially when we visited calcutta n shillong along with sir for the quiz...

for me sir is like a walking book... one can learn so many things from a book by just looking at the cover page and i tried to do just that... he was so very different from the rest i have met.. so real, so friendly , so simple, so patient and more than anything he is so charming.. he thought me how to go about different things .. he had simple answers even for the most difficult problems at that time..

i asked him one day while travelling to school late in the night (to take some printouts )about why he was at Hyderabad leaving everything behind at his hometown where he could get an even better job, have a better everything than here, and i still dint forget his answer(il save it for myself)... superb asalu... all of us used to have great fun with him .. he was more of a mentor to us than anything...

finally dis is the first time am not getting enough words to share what i feel ... he is jst such an amazing man .... the only non hypocrite in those days and i have learnt to be a non hypocrite from him... learnt to be frank .. learnt how to talk to people.. learnt how to be nice.. learnt how to broaden my horizon of thought...learnt how to face tough challenges... infact learnt how to live happily all time... derz only one name that strikes me when some asks me about my inspiraton os the one who had a lot of impact and the only name that comes to my mind after my parents is sir.. i call him my godfather near my friends and the reason i am happy all time nowadays is because of him .... therez only 1 person who i want to be like in ths world and thats sir... its been six yrs since i spoke to him ( the last time being august 3rd 2004) but still i remember everything.... MACHO MAN... he always wanted to be an mba and am glad he is one today... and finally he is someone with a big heart and one of the best products from DA MARTINIA... the one from prince anwar shah , choton , arindham and i fogot the other names are his best pals but i am proud to say that i am his best FAN n he is my best mentor... ( ive skipped office today jst after anirban sir accepted my frnds request on fb and felt like writing about someone who had been like a driving force even without him knowing and am sure he dint forget me... bye guys .. back to work)

Monday, May 17, 2010

my diary

shit ... rest for a little time and finally our work started today early in the morning... last week has been a bit rusty just like the days to come ... my partner and i were very eager about the day in hand.. our boss not at all a good man when he comes to our work... we do so much for him bearing all the pain but still we don't get enough respect from him.. he is as arrogant as ever when he deals with us just like today morning... we had a tough time getting ready for our work.. some special attention was given to the rough patches and the dirt that couldn't hide itself from viewing.i don't know how clean he is but he wants us to be neat and clean before we start for work.. so it took a lot of time before we were clean and ready to go...

its really tight once our work starts especially those initial moments when my boss tries to settle down... he was ready to go with us and he was driving his own car today which made our work more difficult... my partner was like "shit, when he drives he needs me more than u bloody" and i was like ya that's true but i have my own share to come later... he also has this bad habit of attending calls while driving... we had our mouth in our hands while he did so... our problem is that we were getting old and our boss is also not very happy with us... when we were young and we started working , we were very sharp and we would work very really well under pressure giving some extra cushion to him.. even we were excited about our work .. as days progressed we got the original taste of our work.. it was not like those smooth beginning days where we were taken care off.. as my boss got used to us he started straining us ... we worked extra time every day along with him and in fact took more stress than him at times.. we protected our boss from shit a lot of times but we were in deep shit because of his recklessness... not that we are complaining but its equally or more tough for us to work out there in the hot sun as ours is more of an outdoor job...

our boss parked his car and entered his office.. one good thing about this job is that we get to meet a lot of people and also visit a lot of places.. sometimes we are proud of our boss because we could visit some very historic places just because we work for a rich boss.. our experience was the best when we set our foot in the thar desert on a less sunny day and was worst when we assisted our boss in his trekking on the foothills of the himalayas... but thanks to him anyhow we could taste the best and the holiest water at haridwar and purified ourselves... coming back to today's work we weren't that busy today as our boss eased us a little bit in the afternoon and he came early back home... thank god...

nowadays i am really worried my job.. i think it'll come to an end soon as we are wearing away quickly ... the more experience we get the more chance of us getting fired... once we are fired there's nobody who is going to care for us... but as long as we work we give our best..

I forgot to tell who we are.. you people call us shoes and we always come in pairs.. we do our best for u and what we expect is a little more respect and some smoothness while dealing.. we can live without u but its difficult for u to live without our community.. we are better than your best friends in a way.. we know each and every secret of yours better than your shadow and we are a part and each and every shit , also good things at times ... I think I've spoken a lot after coming early from work today... but this is the way we feel.. I'll try and get some sleep now and one last thing.. we would be even more happy to be a part of history through you and that's only possible when you can create history when we are at your service .. even we are proud of your achievements as you are the one who created us... good night..

authors note: inspired by Jeffrey Archer

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


13 December 2001,the clock just passed the half way mark on its way to 12, and everyone at that particular place were immersed in their daily chores. A white ambassador car entered the premises just like the thousand odd other cars and was heading straight to a place as if the final destination was already in their mind. It cleared the most important security post and was ready to hit the heartthrob... the car came to a halt by hitting another car in the front.. and the perpetrators who were ready to carry out the most dramatic assault got out with their rifles.suddenly they opened fire trying to cross their second barrier .. thanks to kamlesh kumari who spotted the goons first and other security personnel for bringing the attackers down before their mission was accomplished in a 40 min combat, the mission of turning the powerhouse of India into a burial ground, the mission of entering a place where the future of the country is decided. the mission of embarrassing the biggest democracy and the mission of breaking through into the office of 545 most eligible people in the nation. THE MISSION OF ATTACKING THE INDIAN PARLIAMENT.. .. totally seven security personnel sacrificed their lives in this process of saving the FACE OF THE NATION from shame...India has escaped its biggest embarrassment ever in its history on 13 December 2001 when i was 13 years n busy celebrating my sisters birthday... i call them INGLORIOUS BASTERDS

on that day itself i asked my cousin brother "who did it".. the 6 year old kid gave the exact answer whats running in your mind... if it was for any other country it would surely have led to a war.. but we Indians value peace more than our prestige and non violence more than any other nonsense... and also the age old saying "LAW WILL TAKE ITS ON COURSE"... so v have stuck to our basics ( no offences against anyone).. there were some raised fingers and some suspects who masterminded this assault were arrested after some very good effort by the police.. law took its own course and death sentence was awarded to the main conspirator MOHAMMAD AFZAL GURU...
afzal guru was a very notorious terrorist who graduated from the delhi university and who is supposed to have links with Lashkar-e-toiba and Jaish-e-mohammad the two leading terror organisations.. he was the one who supplied ammunition, vehicles and also the required preparation before the attack.. so watever he has done comes under national treason and th e ones who try to cheat their nation have to be severely punished and that what the supreme court did... The judgment mentions:

"The incident, which resulted in heavy casualties, has shaken the entire nation and the collective conscience of the society will be satisfied if the capital punishment is awarded to the offender."

The sentence was to be carried out on 20th October 2006 to one of the most notorious criminal in modern times ., one who has put his country at stake for his own ambitions and the one who was partially responsible for the death of his 7 innocent brothers killed in the battle... i call afzal guru INGLORIOUS BASTERD

today 5th May 2010 , with utmost shame i am writing this article , with a shame that the death sentence is not carried out, with the shame that the convict is happily resting in the jail .with the shame that justice is still not delivered to the families of the killed and with a shame about the inability of my country to dispose off its offender..

there is a lot of debate about whether clemency has to be given or not to afzal... and his clemency plea is still under consideration right from the time when kalam was the president but the decision is still pending.... y is it pending?? isn't India ready for a capital punishment for afzal?? if so y?? is it because of the community that he belongs to or is it because of the vote bank politics related to his community?? if it is the community under question den can justice be delivered equally to the entire country??? is it the crime only under question or even the community of the criminal??

hypocrisy at its best "we call ourselves as one of the leaders in the fight against terrorism but cannot even implement a death sentence to a terrorist" what is stopping us or who is stopping us??? the answer is again HUNGER.. but this time HUNGER FOR POWER... the votes of a particular section of the society have tied down our hands, but there is one thing these hypocrites shud remember most of these hypocrites wouldnt be among us today had those terrorists marched into the parliament so we are protecting the one who was a major threat to our life for POWER... POWER ABSOLUTELY CORRUPTS, CORRUPTS US TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT WE DONT EVEN CARE FOR OUR OWN LIVES..... i call them INGLORIOUS BASTERDS

If this is the way terrorists are treated in India then there is a greater chance of many more 26/11's, what we need to do first is take a stricter action against the accused in terrorist activities.. we need to send a strong message to our neighbors and other terrorist organisations that " u lay your hand on us and be sure that u become a handicapped", ones we start chopping those hands then nobody would even dare to put a finger.. tolerance is the virtue of every Indian by nature but not at the cost of national security. the same tolerance would turn into turbulence if our lives are at stake every single day leading to internal riots and communal clashes... JUSTICE has to be delivered equally to all.. let it be dhananjay pande naduram godse or mohammad afzal ... lets not make a mockery of ourselves and the democracy because its we who face the consequences not the hypocrites.. food to eat, water to drink ,shelter to live and peace of mind to sleep .. thats only wat everyone wants.. we have the first three problems right from our independence and now the last one too coz of terrorists... be courageous and implement JUSTICE.. thats what all i can say ... i have written this just one day before the verdict on mohd. ajmal kasab( accused in 26/11 case) eagerly awaiting the result... and once again salute all those people who have sacrificed their lives in the fight against teorroism... lets wake up indians to put these INGLORIOUS BASTERDS to sleep...