Monday, May 17, 2010

my diary

shit ... rest for a little time and finally our work started today early in the morning... last week has been a bit rusty just like the days to come ... my partner and i were very eager about the day in hand.. our boss not at all a good man when he comes to our work... we do so much for him bearing all the pain but still we don't get enough respect from him.. he is as arrogant as ever when he deals with us just like today morning... we had a tough time getting ready for our work.. some special attention was given to the rough patches and the dirt that couldn't hide itself from viewing.i don't know how clean he is but he wants us to be neat and clean before we start for work.. so it took a lot of time before we were clean and ready to go...

its really tight once our work starts especially those initial moments when my boss tries to settle down... he was ready to go with us and he was driving his own car today which made our work more difficult... my partner was like "shit, when he drives he needs me more than u bloody" and i was like ya that's true but i have my own share to come later... he also has this bad habit of attending calls while driving... we had our mouth in our hands while he did so... our problem is that we were getting old and our boss is also not very happy with us... when we were young and we started working , we were very sharp and we would work very really well under pressure giving some extra cushion to him.. even we were excited about our work .. as days progressed we got the original taste of our work.. it was not like those smooth beginning days where we were taken care off.. as my boss got used to us he started straining us ... we worked extra time every day along with him and in fact took more stress than him at times.. we protected our boss from shit a lot of times but we were in deep shit because of his recklessness... not that we are complaining but its equally or more tough for us to work out there in the hot sun as ours is more of an outdoor job...

our boss parked his car and entered his office.. one good thing about this job is that we get to meet a lot of people and also visit a lot of places.. sometimes we are proud of our boss because we could visit some very historic places just because we work for a rich boss.. our experience was the best when we set our foot in the thar desert on a less sunny day and was worst when we assisted our boss in his trekking on the foothills of the himalayas... but thanks to him anyhow we could taste the best and the holiest water at haridwar and purified ourselves... coming back to today's work we weren't that busy today as our boss eased us a little bit in the afternoon and he came early back home... thank god...

nowadays i am really worried my job.. i think it'll come to an end soon as we are wearing away quickly ... the more experience we get the more chance of us getting fired... once we are fired there's nobody who is going to care for us... but as long as we work we give our best..

I forgot to tell who we are.. you people call us shoes and we always come in pairs.. we do our best for u and what we expect is a little more respect and some smoothness while dealing.. we can live without u but its difficult for u to live without our community.. we are better than your best friends in a way.. we know each and every secret of yours better than your shadow and we are a part and each and every shit , also good things at times ... I think I've spoken a lot after coming early from work today... but this is the way we feel.. I'll try and get some sleep now and one last thing.. we would be even more happy to be a part of history through you and that's only possible when you can create history when we are at your service .. even we are proud of your achievements as you are the one who created us... good night..

authors note: inspired by Jeffrey Archer


  1. ha ha ha hillarious in certain aspects of description at last ....
    superb kind of write up in a sense the suspense in last is no one can expect ....
    so awesomely expressed ....even about bosses in general(what people complain as their perceptions n feel) n also about shoes.....
    HATS OFF to u my wel have u drawn a beautiful example for counter analysing n learnings about an aentinty or thing n process or feeling ....U ROCK DHEERAJ...\m/...

  2. thank u brother... its just people like u who have set some standards and learners like me try to catch up... nevertheless its a wonderful feeling to receive some good comments from the master himself... may be itl take a few more years to catch up but comments like these will give a great boost.... thanz a lot brother

  3. ha ha ha ha mamaaaaaaa....dont take me to cloud 9 n leave me there ...;).../:D....i wanna be grounded so that i can focus even more n not under achieve anymore as u suggest for me dude....
    In a symbiotic relationship u just cant say one is better ...both help each other strong 2 help each other ...:P...;)...hahahhaha thats it ...dont give me over credit ...i drew/draw a lot of things from you throughout my life from 7th itself...:):):)

  4. Politics , history of INDIA....political issues of INDIA from way back.....ur early poens in 7th on ur mom n INDIA as a nation ....why patriotis is required?? much important is extra curicullar activities at school....after intermediate i realised how important it was to only focus on studies in inter ...n ur mouldability n adaptablity to one who never liked knew maths,physics to the one who ended 4.5 k rank needs sheer commitment ....ur rational views about an issue....the way you look at an issue....ALL THESE AND SO MANY OTHER THINGS...THE LIST GOESONN N ONN ARE EARLY ROOTS LAID BY YOU OVER ME MANN.....WILL NEVER EVER FORGET THAT .... its because i learnt that from u i built floors over the favourable circumstances n preechings u did which worked as BASE for me mama.....hmmm

  5. areo... stop it now... lets talk abt all these things on other platforms.. but i want to say one thing here... there are only wo people who i dont mind losing to ... i love losing to my brother and it doesnt matter even in ur case buddy... losing in both ur hands makes me feel that i am on the right track... i cant say anything more than that abt how i feel about you.... lets stop it here buddy about u and me....

  6. hehehehhe yep wokay !!:D we will quarrel when we meet over this ..:P

  7. cool story...nice suspense...unexpected twist..but the last line of the last but one paragraph hints at it..really gettin good at this dheeru:D
